Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Zika Virus: To Be Nervous or Not To Be

In 2014, we were all scared as shit about Ebola. Massive amounts of people in Africa died from Ebola and a few people in the U.S. did as well. This year, the latest viral virus taking over the news is Zika. I normally don't let myself get too hyped up about things like this (the less you know the better), but it's good to be a little informed if you want to know what to be afraid of and/or how to sound like you know what you're talking about when you're telling everyone "not to be worried."

Where's it come from?
Similar to the West Nile Virus and yellow fever, Zika comes from those annoying fuckers called mosquitoes. The virus gets its name from the Zika Forest in Uganda where it was first isolated in 1947. Until 2016, Zika was typically only a problem along the equator (aka the disease strip) in Asia & Africa. 

Why now?
The virus started getting out of control in April 2015 in Brazil and began spreading to the other countries in South/Central America and the Caribbeans. Researchers on the strain of the virus believe it came from French Polynesia during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it an international health concern, so naturally everyone is talking about it. It has officially entered the U.S. (mainly in the southeast, think *swamp land*) and is now getting people extra nervous.

How do you get it? 
Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are the major carrier of the Zika virus. If a person is bit by one of these blood suckers carrying the virus, he/she is likely to get it. It can also be passed on by a pregnant to her child.

Only about 1 in 5 people infected with the virus get sick. Good news! You could have it & not even know!! Symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (ew). These are basically all the symptoms that a hungover person feels waking up in a random's apartment.

Should We Be Scared? 
For the most part, nope. Since the virus is mainly found in swampy, warm areas, we up here in the Northeast don't have much to worry about. We can be thankful for the chilly weather and its ability to be a place where mosquitoes don't want to live. 

So for now just continue Web MD'ing your symptoms until you've convinced yourself you have the disease and use it as an excuse to see your doctor to refill your adderall prescriptions.

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